Friday, April 10, 2015

My Spring Office

Spring is here!!
I decided to revamp my work station from my bedroom to its own room. Im in love with the color teal so i wanted to make my room pop with items from Fancy Decor. :D

GREYSTONE Mansion @ RedGrave
Curtain Panel Sheer White L @ Spargel & Shine
Curtain Panel Sheer White R @ Spargel & Shine
Fancy Decor: Painting "Dreamcatcher" @ Fancy Decor
Toronto-Living room chandelier @ ~BAZAR~
Scarlet Creative Autumn Reclaim Working Table
Trompe Loeil - Caparra Wall Ivy Narrow Corner Left @  Trompe Loeil
Trompe Loeil - Caparra Wall Ivy Narrow Corner Right @  Trompe Loeil
AF Kensington Bookcase (Rustic) @ Apple Fall
junk. hanging moon light. @ junk.
Traveler-Plant2 @ ~BAZAR~
MudHoney Interior Books @ MudHoney
MudHoney Amy Plant @ MudHoney
The Loft- Photo @ The Loft
MudHoney Home Books @ MudHoney
AF Magazine Files @ Apple Fall
MudHoney Amy Trinket Box @ MudHoney
MudHoney Amy Candle @ MudHoney
Fancy Decor: Armchair (White Linen) @ Fancy Decor
Fancy Decor: Connected Rug @ Fancy Decor
Zaara [home] : 6 Sandstone elephant [Arcade Gotcha/March 2015] @ Zaara
Trompe Loeil - Paxton Canvases 2 @  Trompe Loeil
tarte. ceiling string lights @ tarte.
Trompe Loeil - Paxton Canvases 1 @  Trompe Loeil
Trompe Loeil - Louis Chair Leather White @  Trompe Loeil
Apple Fall Roses Box (Champagne) [Gotcha] @ Apple Fall
-tres blah- Workspace - Gold Lamp [Gotcha] @ -tres blah- 
-tres blah- Workspace - And Files [Gotcha] @ -tres blah- 
MudHoney Fashion Books @ MudHoney
Apple Fall White Iris @ Apple Fall
-tres blah- Hodgepodge - What's in My Bag RARE [Arcade Gotcha/March 2015] @ -tres blah- 
-tres blah- Hodgepodge - Agenda RARE [Arcade Gotcha/March 2015] @ -tres blah- 
MudHoney Mustache Books @ MudHoney
-tres blah- Workspace - Tablet [Gotcha] @ -tres blah- 
AF Teacup Pearls RARE [Gotcha] @ Apple Fall
-tres blah- Workspace - Silver Mason Jar of Roses [Gotcha] @ -tres blah- 
[AF] iFall @ Apple Fall
-tres blah- Hodgepodge - Paper Pile [Arcade Gotcha/March 2015] @ -tres blah- 
[AF] iFall Notebook @ Apple Fall
-tres blah- Hodgepodge - Snail Mail [Arcade Gotcha/March 2015] @ -tres blah- 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Peace & Quiet {Dreaming}

Trompe Loeil - The Dreaming House @  Trompe Loeil
tarte. ceiling string lights @ tarte.
HPMD* Rock 2014 - dark/L2
Enchanted Woods v2 @ Skye Studios
{anc} garden. ladyinmoon 1Li[Arcade Gotcha/March 2015] @ {anc}
AF Sketchbook @ Apple Fall
7 - Love Vintage Sign @ Seven Emporium
AF Stepladder Table @ Apple Fall
dust bunny . vintage space heater . pearl @ Dust Bunny
{anc} garden. white book 4Li[Arcade Gotcha/March 2015] @ {anc}
-tres blah- Hodgepodge - Wine Duet [Arcade/Gotcha/March 2015] @ -tres blah- 
{vespertine - bookcart for her}[Gotcha] @ {Vespertine}
[AF] iFall Notebook @ Apple Fall
Dutchie glass vase with yellow flowers @ Dutchie
MudHoney Mustache Books @ MudHoney
7 - Floor Bulb @ Seven Emporium
AF Fiber Rug @ Apple Fall
-tres blah-  Hodgepodge - Stacked Magazines [Arcade/Gotcha/March 2015] @ -tres blah-