Saturday, June 6, 2015

Haute Couture|Makeup Haul

This Arcade round was a blast to work with. Tres blah, PL$H, The Loft, Fancy Decor and Second Spaces are featured here and all of the items are available right now!!!

GREYSTONE Mansion @ Redgrave
tarte. restored desk @ tarte.
The Loft - Marelda Vanity Mirror Silver @ The Loft
The Loft - Marelda Vanity Chair @ The Loft
Second Spaces - Cluttered House - beauty clutter RARE [Gotcha]
-tres blah-  Jolie - Makeup Tower [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - eyes [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie - Makeup Bag RARE [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
{what next} Isabelle Perfume Tray @ {what next}
-tres blah- Workspace - Gold Mason Jar of Roses [Gotcha] @ -tres blah- 
/PL$H/ Neon Light - Flawless @ PL$H
Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - palettes [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie - Nail Polishes [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie - Handheld Mirror [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Hodgepodge - Stacked Magazines [Gotcha] @ -tres blah- 
18.erratic / lsm - clothing clutter - woman [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie -Round Bottle [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie - Vintage Bottle [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
Fancy Decor: Vertical Candles @ Fancy Decor
Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - contour [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Hodgepodge - Morning Start [Gotcha] @ -tres blah- 
Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - foundation [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie - Chic Perfume [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
{anc} NOEL. :  frilled furrug / milk 2Li [Gotcha] @ { anc }
-tres blah-  Jolie - Lotions [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
Apple Fall Pearl Chandelier @ Apple Fall
-tres blah-  Jolie - Golden Hand [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie - Makeup Clutter [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
PILOT - Romantic Candlesticks [GOLD, tintable candles] @ Pilot
-tres blah-  Jolie - Hair Products [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - clean up [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie - Lip Balms [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
/PL$H/ Makeup Mirror - Silver @ PL$H
-tres blah-  Jolie - Savon De Tres Blah [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
{anc} mannequin. vintage 4Li [Gotcha] @ { anc }
-tres blah-  Jolie - Nail Polish Collection [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
4. AF Reaching Plant [Gotcha] @ Apple Fall
-tb- Vanity - Jewelry Tree RARE [Gotcha] @ -tres blah- 
Zaara [home] : 20 Choori bangle tree [Gotcha] @ Zaara
Second Spaces - Makeup Junkie - lips [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah-  Jolie - Eye Makeup [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Postcards of love..

Featured items from Fancy Decor... Enjoy! <3

Scarlet Creative Country Keep @ Scarlet Creative
Fancy Decor: Cubby Desk RARE [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
Fancy Decor: Postcard Map [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
-tres blah- Workspace - Pencil Holder [GOTCHA] @ -tres blah- 
Fancy Decor: Postcard Chandelier RARE [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
* SORGO - Sketchbook (A) [Gotcha] @ * SORGO
-tres blah- Workspace - Print and Books [GOTCHA] @ -tres blah- 
AF Books w/ Deer Head Bookends @ Apple Fall
-tres blah- Workspace - Colored Pencils [GOTCHA] @ -tres blah- 
[ zerkalo ] Pile of books 2 [Gotcha] @ zerkalo
Fancy Decor: Letter Box [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
Apple Fall Nardyas' Tulips in Mason Jar @ Apple Fall
tarte. litebook go @ tarte.
-tres blah- Workspace - Tablet [GOTCHA] @ -tres blah- 
Fancy Decor: Postcard Bundle [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
.:revival:. original stool grey @ .:revival:.
-tres blah- Hodgepodge - Snail Mail [GOTCHA] @ -tres blah- 
Apple Fall Bistro Planter [Gotcha] @ Apple Fall
Fancy Decor: Stamp Frame [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
Dutchie Schefflera tall @ Dutchie
Fancy Decor: Vintage Stamp Sign [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
[ zerkalo ] Huge pile of books RARE [Gotcha] @ zerkalo
AF Monogram Luggage Bag @ Apple Fall
Casita - Mariah Hand Woven Basket @ Casita
* SORGO -  Sketchbook (B) [Gotcha] @ * SORGO
-tres blah-  Hodgepodge - Morning Start [GOTCHA] @ -tres blah- 
[ zerkalo ] Pile of books 1 [Gotcha] @ zerkalo
Fancy Decor: Stamp Box [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade
Fancy Decor: House of Postcards [Arcade Gotcha/June 2015] @ Arcade